Docker Raspberry Pi Image

Personally, I like to use Docker containers on my Raspberry Pis as they come with a great layer of abstraction and portability. Here is how to get your Raspberry Pi ready for Docker and Docker-Compose.

One way you can use Raspberry Pi and Docker together is for Swarm. Used together, they can create a computer cluster. With Swarm containers on a bunch of networked Raspberry Pis, you can build a powerful machine and explore how a Docker Swarm works. Alex shows you how in this video. Apr 06, 2020 Raspberry Pi on the other side is a great low cost, credit-card sized computer that plugs into a computer monitor or TV, and uses a standard keyboard and mouse. In this tutorial, I will show you how to install Docker and Docker Compose on Raspberry Pi with just a few easy steps! Installing Docker. I will use the convenience script provided. Personally, I like to use Docker containers on my Raspberry Pis as they come with a great layer of abstraction and portability. Here is how to get your Raspberry Pi ready for Docker and Docker-Compose. Setup your Raspberry Pi with Raspbian, Wifi and SSH access If your Raspberry Pi is already set up, you can skip this step and continue to step 2.


1. Setup your Raspberry Pi with Raspbian, Wifi and SSH access

If your Raspberry Pi is already set up, you can skip this step and continue to step 2.

The most straight forward way to install Raspbian on your Raspberry Pi is through the official Raspberry Pi Imager. It comes with all the tools needed to prepare and flash an SD card with the Raspbian version you want to install. For this tutorial, I am assuming, that you are using the smallest Raspbian 'Lite' version.

To ensure, that SSH is enabled on the first start of your Raspberry Pi, we need to add an additional empty file called ssh to the SD card's root directory after is has been flashed with the image.

This is especially useful, if you are running your Raspberry Pi in headless mode with no screen or keyboard attached.

If you want to connect the Raspberry Pi to a Wifi network, it might be useful to also provide the network details for the first startup. For this, define a wpa_supplicant.conf file in the same root folder with the following content. Make sure, it uses the line feed (LF) newline character.

If you are unsure about your 2 letter ISO 3166-1 country codes, you can look it up here.

After booting up your device, you can connect to it via SSH by using its IP address, that you will likely get from your router's web interface.

The default username is pi and the standard password is raspberry.

It's highly recommended to change the password on the first connection. You can do this and configure many other useful things in the handy Raspberry Pi Config tool.

Raspberry pi downloads

2. Install Docker

Build raspberry pi docker image

The connection is set up, it's time to install Docker. Fortunately, Docker provides a handy install script for that.

After the script has finished, add the permissions to the current user to run Docker commands.

Reboot the Raspberry Pi to let the changes take effect.

3. Install Docker-Compose

Docker-Compose usually gets installed using pip3. For that, we need to have python3 and pip3 installed. If you don't have it installed, you can run the following commands.

Once python3 and pip3 are installed, we can install Docker-Compose using the following command.

4. Enable the Docker system service to start your containers on boot

This is a very nice and important addition. With the following command you can configure your Raspberry Pi to automatically run the Docker system service, whenever it boots up.

With this in place, containers with a restart policy set to always or unless-stopped will be re-started automatically after a reboot.

5. A sample Docker Compose file

This section shows a quick sample of a Docker-Compose file, which starts three containers that once started will automatically come up, if the Raspberry Pi get fully power cycled. To learn more about the sample project I used here, visit my Docker Speed Test project on GitHub.

Docker Build Raspberry Pi Image

To start the containers using Docker-Compose, run the following command.

Raspberry Pi Docker Image Location

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